
Little Brother

Give your personal reflection to Little Brother.  Talk about it as a book, instead of as a tool for class. [Do this by the 3rd]

I really enjoyed reading Doctorow's Little Brother, both as an example of the stuff we had been discussing in class, but also because it was just so interesting. The story was absolutely addictive for me, I couldn't do other homework assignments because I wanted to read the book. I admired the DIY startup of Marcus's campaign against the government and was excited about all the new information I was learning about technology. I guess everything I post is not encrypted (including this), and this book made me think about checking out some of its technology. In addition to the story, I admire this piece of work because Doctorow not only wrote a book about privacy, technology, and social movement attempts in a repressive system, but because he believes in the creative commons and doesn't just talk about it, but posts his book online for free. I admire his commitment to the creative commons and his ideals- plus I appreciate it as a broke college student (who not only did not buy it, but read it on the computer too so as not to waste paper!). I'm excited to share this book with my little sisters who are now only a little younger than Marcus in the story and who could use this view of teen as empowered. One of my sisters is extremely disenfranchised at all times (it doesn't help that she just had ACL surgery) and dabbles in technology stuff, so I think this would be a good read for her. All in all, I definitely recommend the book to others (starting with my disenfranchised little sister). 

1 comment:

  1. what you said about this DIY start of this movement is really true, and is one of the movements that we've discussed in class that has resonated with me. Maybe it's because of the age of the characters or the technology piece, but either way it was a good read!
