
Barbara Kruger

View Barbara Kruger’s art.  Few artists have crossed the political-high art divide like Barbara Kruger.  Her work sets the gold standard for this type of activity.  I want you to tell me why.

When I first saw Barbara Kruger on the blog prompt list, I didn't think that I had heard of her before. But as I began looking through her art, I realized that we had briefly talked about her in my Art, Beauty & Culture class (an NCC course with Suzanne Scott) last fall. Kruger is important to me because she not only bridges that political-high art divide, but that she also successfully identifies sexist and other oppressive behavior and totally calls them out in her work. As a feminist and person committed to social justice, I appreciate her efforts to identify and disrupt the hegemonic structures and beliefs in our culture. She does this by taking commonplace ads, signs, slogans, etc. and adding the unseen/unnoticed/implicit messaging that nobody seems to take into account and I think is very successful in informing people of the issues.

    1 comment:

    1. She totally does call people out in her work! I love it. She makes such bold statements in such a beautiful way. She informs people with her art, which is what makes it so powerful. I'm a feminist, too, (how could anyone not be? that's a different topic... : P ) and viewing her art makes me feel empowered and makes me want to take action!
